Saturday, February 27, 2010

New magic toots!

The new magic toots are..... Naftx and Soarkle!
Congratz guys and the pivit is coming soon!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

New site!

Hi guys I found a new site! It's called mini monos! If you join my monkey name is cpdarkrai also can you please do this when you register with monkey who invited me put in cpdarkrai

Have fun on this new site!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Furniture glitch!

Hi guys here is how to change a persons furniture! (Get there permission to do it before you do this) First ask someone to go to your house and invite them. hen they go to you house click on decorate.

Then click on the chair icon near the top of the screen.

Then press TAB then ENTER on our keyboard and say invite me and when they do click yes.

When the house is loaded you can change the stuff like the walls and put in furniture!

The stuff will go away in awhile just give it time :)

Monday, February 15, 2010

Not on the medal talley?

Why am i not on the talley and I have got like eighty medals! I give up its not fair :(

Friday, February 12, 2010

Miss you snowcone!

We will all miss you snowcone! When your gone! Here are some pictures of snowcone when he came:
First we had a bit of a chat for a bit in the square.

Then we played duck duck toot for awhile.

Snowcone will be here tomorrow and for awhile longer! At least Snowcone isn't leaving today!

Bad news!

Hi guys I have some very important bad news! Shade is going try take over the square on the tootlympics day! I am scared! Here are the pics of it: WE MUST STAY ON HIGH AERT TOMORROW! THE TOOTFAIRY PREDICTED THIS!

More sneak peaks!

I am probably giving a heap way but here are some of the tootlympics pictures!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tootlympics this Saturday!

Woot Toot! The Tootlympics Opening Ceremony is this Saturday at 5:00 P.M. EST! I can't wait for it to start! Also Louis' new helper will be announced this Saturday at 5:00 P.M. EST! And the new magic toot is coming this weekend! I can't wait! Here is the new log on screen for the Tootlympics!
Here is also an exclusive sneak peak of the tootlympics! (May not be actual sneak peak but is pretty good)

Woot Woot Toot again! I am just sooooo excited!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tootsville announcements!

Hi toots! The Tootfairy has told me that the new magic toot is coming in around five days! Woot! And the tootlympics Opening ceremony is coming very soon! And the tootfairy is making a special bit for the Tootlympics! Wonder what it is. Also a new adventure is coming soon the tootfairy is just hiding the last few pivitz for us to find! Also if you can't find the pivitz on the day try refreshing your cache. And finally the tootfairy said that some of the magic toots will now come on Saturdays soon! CLAP*CLAP*CLAP* I can't wait for all these new things!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Whoah louis!

I found Louis' picture in real life!

6a00e54f9b07dc8834010536277c60970c-120wi.jpg Wow! Louis Pecci is his full name.


Friday, February 5, 2010

Tootsbook now out of beta!

Tootsbook is now out of beta! It is so cool but I can't find out how to trade pivitz I think the mayor Louis is still working on that! Also there are a few bugs on tootsville like other people have to be talking while you talk so you can see what they say.