Wednesday, March 31, 2010


(Update: It was all actually an april fools joke by shade and louis!)
Hello toots! Shade has made tootsville shadesville!

Here is what the square looks like:
Shade also takes jack into the portal!
Umm... if Shade was trying to give us a laugh in the shade burger he certainly did! Loads of frogs everywhere! I guess shade does like some animals after all....
Here is square west:
Here is toot University:
This is very bad! We must act very very fast! Looks like a group urgent mission! ASAP!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

New magic toot and shadow falls portal has opened!

First the new magic toot is.... xxdarkangelzxx! Congratz buddy!
Now for the news! Shadow falls portal has opened! We first saw it on server Cupid! At the cove! It could be anywhere now! So keep looking toots.
Here are some pictures we had to be careful not to get stuck! Also sweetie was trapped in the circle thing.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

ST patricks day Pivitz cheats!

Hi toots! Here are the pivit location of the pivitz for st patricks day!

First there is the flora clover pivit in the theater in square west. It is in the right hand side of the screen in between the right blue toots stars:

Next there is the rad four leaf clover in the toots mall on the corner between the coming soon shop and dottie's dresses:

Go to the arcade and the pivit is roughly where i am standing in the picture. There is the Cupid four leaf clover pivit:

Next go to the Big Tree and go in the middle of the hollow in the big tree there is the green four leaf clover pivit:

Next go to the toot safari this pivit is roughly where I am standing (If you don't get it try moving along the river for a bit) This pivit is the Lucky horse shoe

Next go to Toots University and click on the very right hand bush on the Toots University building (you may need to do this a few times) This is the Lepricorn hat!

Finally go to the big Tootoona and click on the bush on the tree on the very right try clicking on it a few times. This is the Lucky pot of gold pivit

You now have all the St Patricks day pivitz!
Have fun! Also I would like to thank otiekinz for helping me find some :)