Friday, October 22, 2010

Wish boxes and capes and cowels open!

Hi toots! Just recently Wishboxes have officially been realesed! So if you want items you better find them because they give you really cool stuff! As well as shadow boxes they give you shadow items (I got a smudge hat from one xD It is so so so so funny) They appear in random rooms at random times so you have a great chance of getting them!

Also Capes and cowels is opened in super world (Sorry if your a not a member) They price range is as low as 1 peanut - 8000 peanuts so you better get saving to get all the items.

Don't forget to get today's smiling pumpkin pivit before the end of the day!

1 comment:

  1. AWESOME!!!!!
    - Bella, the tinest Tootfairy
